A typical dessert of the Christmas period, but now in demand "in all its variations from traditional to modern" throughout the year, is Nougat. Bagnara Calabra has been the city of nougat since 1846, but only two specialties obtained the IGP certification in 2013. Call it Torrone di Bagnara PGI and you will be sure to receive the tasty crunchy and crumbly product made exclusively from the cooking and processing of honey, sugar and toasted unpeeled almonds, cinnamon and cloves in powder and covered with sugar in grains or bitter cocoa. The specification of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies defines in detail the process and the production area of ​​the Torrone di Bagnara, the external and internal aspects, the flavor and the ingredients.
On our online shop you can find the two variants of Torrone di Bagnara that have obtained the IGP certification:
● Martiniana covered with granulated sugar
● Roasted glazed covered with bitter cocoa.
It is characterized by the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped with rounded edges. The surface of the “Martiniana” version is rippled and brown in color (the so-called “monk's mantle”), covered with granulated sugar. The one of the “glazed nougat” variant is shiny, smooth and smooth, dark brown in color, thanks to the covering of a mixture of sugar and cocoa. Inside, both versions have a brown color and a widespread presence of well-distributed almonds. The description of the flavor of the Bagnara Nougat in the specification of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies represents in detail the qualities of our typical dessert: "At the first bite the dough appears crunchy and crunchy due to the correct roasting of the almonds and the high temperature to which the sugar mass was subjected. On the palate, the sweetness of the dough is balanced by the flavor of toasted almonds and a clear sensation of mulled wine with a light spicy aftertaste which, in the "Roasted glazed" version also incorporates the perception of bitter cocoa ". The uniqueness of the Torrone di Bagnara PGI is given by the craftsmanship that is the result of the experience of generations of nougat makers from Bagnara. In fact, only the inclusion of the concepts "the monk's mantle" and "the glass break", typical stages of production that only expert hands can perform, has allowed the obtaining of the PGI.
The issue of the certification was motivated by the important links that the production of Nougat has with the territory, its history and the economy. A historical testimony is given by the book “A journey in Calabria. Impressions and memories "(1885), in which N. Marcone states:" The nougats of Bagnara go around the world, and are truly such as to deserve this honor ". Furthermore, even today, the production of "Torrone di Bagnara" represents an important job opportunity for the population of Bagnara, so much so that it is the main source of employment in the Calabrian municipality. Its link to Calabrian traditions arises in the Christmas holidays, although today it is requested and consumed throughout the year. One of the most typical combinations in the production areas sees this dessert accompanied by the passito wine of Zibibbo grapes, also of Calabrian origin. It is advisable to store the nougat in a cool, dry place to prevent moisture from making it less crunchy, melting the glaze or forming cracks. The storage time is one year, but it is recommended to consume it within six months of packaging to better appreciate its organoleptic characteristics.